What is emphysema? Emphysema is a long and continuous progress of the disease affecting the lungs especially of the lower respiratory tract. Physical structure and function of light damaged tissue is very supportive of its collapse, leading to shortness of breath and wheezing. to exhale becomes hard as tissues that surround the alveoli damaged and unable to hold its shape. It breathed poorer condition over time and can be fatal as well. This condition refers to the category of diseases caused by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Empty bag like structures, the alveoli are responsible for the absorption of oxygen in the blood. In normal healthy lungs when inhaled air passes through the upper airways, and in the alveoli and bronchioles. It was found that if the human lung were subjected to stimuli and smoke for a long time, the flexibility of the alveoli and bronchioles significantly lasix drug side effects reduced. This potentially interferes with normal breathing and breathing oxygen through the destruction of the walls of the alveoli. The main cause of emphysema is smoking. Prolonged exposure to irritants that are found in polluted air, chemical emissions and dust, and other causes. Long-term passive smoking and heredity as two of the causes of the disease. Although the chances of it getting through inheritance are rare, but may, if the child is born without a particular protein is to protect the lungs. Protein alpha-1-antitrypsin and its lack of called AAT deficiency-related emphysema. If a person already has a shortage of AAT and is an active smoker, his / her condition may worsen. Disease majorly affects middle-aged or elderly. However, it can affect the young as well. Complications can lead to additional symptoms other than shortness of breath. Weather emphysema is a unique process comprehensive staging of lung function (PFTS). Here the patient is made to blow air through the tube to measure air flow. In connection with emphysema, air trapped inside the lungs, and it will be difficult for him airflow from the lungs by force. Based on production test can be divided into four stages mild (stage 1), moderate (Stage 2), severe (stage 3) and very severe (stage 4). These stages are as GOLD (Global Initiative for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) criteria. To determine the life expectancy of emphysema, spirometry is done. This is actually a measure of the percentage of air exhaled per second. This is known as forced expiratory volume in one second or FEV1. Almost 80% of stage I or mild emphysema patients in
mild emphysema life expectancy more than 4 years. If completely healthy adult, the spirometer reading is between 80 to 100 percent. A person who has emphysema and reading whoBЂ ™ s on the spirometer below 35 percent, the prognosis shown during the last stages of emphysema and IV
emphysema life expectancy or, in other words, end-stage emphysema life expectancy of about four years. Only 50% of people with severe emphysema survive for four years. However, if the 4-stage emphysema and remains unrevealed, the life expectancy is reduced to 2 to 3 years. At the final stage suffer from extreme shortness of breath, lack of activity tolerance, along with consistent coughing with sputum. II stage called mild emphysema, in which FEV1 below 80 percent, but at least more or equivalent to 50 percent of normal. Approximately 60-70% of people with stage II is
moderate emphysema life expectancy more than four years. The meaning BЂњbullaBЂ "is an abnormal growth of skin, which is filled with fluid. In bullous emphysema, alveolar size increases due to the irregular space is air. Air bags get expanded thus limiting the amount of oxygen in the blood. These enlarged and stretched alveoli gets break in time and immediate surgery is required. >> << Bullous emphysema life expectancy increases to after the operation. Reference: See also: 12. September 2010.
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