Friday, February 24, 2012

Feeding difficulties, while the symptom ...

Signs and symptoms of chromosome 22q11. 2 Deletion

medical problems related to chromosome 22q11. 2 Remove differ from each other. For example, a child with this disease may be heart problems, and another child with the same disorder may be very mild and very severe heart defect. Children with chromosome 22q11. 2 removal often have problems that include many different body systems. Here are some lasix online of the most common:

cardiovascular (heart) defects (which are often the earliest), such as:

Feeding difficulties, although it is a symptom of many other diseases may be a sign of chromosomes 22q11. 2 Remove and:

nasal regurgitation (regurgitation through the nose), which can occur through cleft mouth (one of the possible problems associated with the disorder)

Gastrointesintal problems, including:

problems immune system, such as:

recurrent ear infection, especially if the child is very small

autoimmune diseases such as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, ideopathic thrombocytopenia and vitiligo

problems of growth, sometimes resulting in growth hormone deficiency

developmental delays, such as:

Palatine anomalies, including:

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