Friday, February 24, 2012

Each of our experts responds to one question ...

Question: I recently took an online questionnaire of osteoporosis and found that I am at a higher risk of this disease. (I am 25-year-old woman and weigh 104 pounds. I am 5 feet 6 inches). Please tell me what can I do to prevent it. How do these events raise the risk, if I think about getting pregnant? : Welcome to take responsibility for your health! Knowing the risks is the first step towards prevention. Steps you at a young age through diet, exercise and avoiding tobacco can provide additional strength of bone to comfortably see you during pregnancy, and your older years. However, as the online application can be determined only if you are at risk of early reduction of bone density (osteopenia) or a condition known as osteoporosis, it is important to take it to the next level and see a doctor. The building of bones and bone loss from our bones are living tissue that is constantly in a state of reconstruction. The new bone (consisting of collagen and calcium phosphate) is added to a bone mass and strength, the old components of bone are removed to keep bones healthy and strong. While it would be cool to keep the balance even bone tumors and loss, the process depends on the age of man. In youth (under age 30 to 35 years) the process is tilted toward the addition of the total bone mass, which in contrast to the peri-and postmenopausal years, when the amount of bone loss more than the new bone formed. The key is to maintain the loss to a minimum to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis occurs when the structural deterioration of bone tissue to the extent it weakened and at a higher risk of fractures. This is especially true for bones is in the hips, wrists and spine. Although anyone can get sick osteoporosis, those who not maximize bone mass during the building of bones have a higher chance of developing the disease at an earlier age. Additional factors that influence this risk, as we move through life, include the following:

Paul-bone mass is generally less women than men from the beginning. Loss of bone mass often occurs together with hormonal changes associated with menopause. Age-related structural weakening of the bones most likely to occur as one ages. Family history-if you have parents or brother with a history of easily broken bones, you too can have a higher probability to decrease bone mass. Frame and body size, thin women with low percentages of fat may have a higher risk. (This may include you gave your height and low weight).

Smoking and / or increased alcohol consumption (more than one serving per day for women and two drinks per day for men) increases the risk of osteoporosis. Eating Disorders such as anorexia or bulimia can lead to malnutrition, which may affect both the development and maintenance of healthy bones. Lack of regular activities, including those encumbrances in nature (walking, running). Medications such as diuretics, prolonged use of steroids (prednisone, prednisolone), such as respiratory failure and certain autoimmune diseases, Depo-Provera, aluminum-containing antacids, and some anti-seizure drugs

diseases such as

and increased consumption of soda (an increase of caffeine and phosphorus) can contribute to this disease due to increased caffeine and phosphoric acid, or perhaps because these drinks instead of calcium drinks. Too much salt in the diet. This can lead to decreased ability of the body absorb calcium. Bank bone Fortunately, you are young and have the opportunity to create their bone mass in your "savings bones." But even if you were a little (or much) older, there are measures that contribute to bone loss at lower rates. Regular exercise, although bearing activity is better

, that will strengthen and / or help maintain your bone density. Products must be determined doctor, so that additional help is needed if you already have osteoporosis. Meeting with the meal plan design, which most healthy nutrients for bone health, including 1000 mg-1, 500 lasix generic no prescription mg of calcium per day (depending on age) and vitamin D (400-800 IU for those who less than 50 years and 800 -1000 IU for those 50 and above). See list of medications with your doctor and pharmacist. If you contribute to bone loss, ask if the other type can be replaced. If not, ask what you can do to protect your bones, for that medication. Stop smoking and reduce alcohol consumption. There are also drugs available (alendronate, raloksifen ryzedronat, teriparatide, zoledronovoyi acid, etc.) to prevent osteoporosis and / or treat the disease if it is present. Finally, while you absolutely young to have osteoporosis, please talk to your doctor. Current recommendations for all women aged 65 and over to get the type of bone mineral density test (eg, dual energy absorbtsiometrii test, ultrasound, quantitative computed tomography). If you have risk factors or felt strange fractures or bone pain, testing may be indicated. These tests can be very useful in detecting low bone density before a fracture occurs or confirm a diagnosis of osteoporosis.anabolic pro max They can also be used to monitor bone density and osteoporosis, as well as the effectiveness of treatment to stop the deterioration of bone structure and mass. For more information, please visit, and your personal physician. Learn more about osteoporosis on MSN Health & Fitness:

Do you have a health issue that you would like to ask Dr. Rob? Email. Please include Ask Dr.

Rob in the subject line. Each of our experts responds to one question each week and answers posted on Monday on the health of MSN. We regret that we can not provide an individual response of each idea. Robert Danoff, DO, MS, is a family physician and program director of family practice residence, and combined family medicine / emergency care Residency programs in hospitals Frankford, Jefferson Health System, Philadelphia, PA He is medical correspondent CN8, Comcast Network , a regular contributor to Discovery Health Online and co

The New York Times Features. .

Sitting of a standard abdominal exercise ...

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3 images on bone chrisharvey from Fotolia.exercise immune system com

Osteoporosis is characterized by reduced bone mineral density (IPC) and quality of bone tissue, resulting in a fragile skeleton and increased risk of fractures. Exercise program must be presented to optimize bone health and safely prescribe exercise for people with low IPC recommended American College of Sports Medicine (AKSM). While many exercises are safe for people with osteoporosis are more to be avoided. People with osteoporosis should avoid activities such as running, jumping and high-impact aerobics. According to the Mayo Clinic, these measures increase the compression of the spine and lower extremities and can lead to fractures in weakened bones. Best to engage in activities which include low efficiency and slow, controlled movement. Although it may seem safe, standing toe touch dangerous exercise if you have low defense. Excessive bending of the barrel caused by the movement increases the pressure in the lumbar discs, which can lead to destruction, warns ACSM. Alternative and safe exercise constant stretching hamstring, which you support a flat rear panel. For this area, place one foot on a 6 - to 8-inch step with your other foot firmly planted on the floor. Slightly bend at the waist, without rounding the back until you feel a light stretch on the back of the thigh. You can repeat the movement with other leg. Plough out of yoga exercises designed to stretch the neck lasix 100mg and back muscles. While this exercise may be safe for people with healthy bone structure, should be avoided if you have osteoporosis. Downloaded bending the neck obtained from this movement, you can twist the neck ligaments and increase the pressure in the cervical disc neck. A more secure way to stretch the lower back is a double knee to chest stretch, which is in a prone position on his back and leaning both knees to your chest. However, with this exercise you should continue with caution. Avoid sudden movements or excessive bending of the spine, and aim for a slow and controlled movements. Sitting of a standard abdominal exercise that many people do on a regular basis, but suffer osteoporosis should avoid this movement. This dynamic abdominal exercise puts extreme strain on your lower back and can lead to fractures of the lumbar spine. Crepitation is a safer way to prescribed for abdominal muscles without causing damage. Exercises that require bending forward at the waist or over-twisting at the waist, such as golf, tennis or bowling, should be avoided. These measures produce compressive forces in the dorsal region and increases the vulnerability to damage, says ACSM. Remember that it is best to carry out activities related to the slow, controlled movements with minimal impact, if you suffer from osteoporosis. "ACSM Guidelines for Exercise Testing and porn," Seventh Edition, Lawrence E. Armstrong, Ph.D., FACSM, et al. , 2006

article Matt Olberding Last Updated: Apr 21, 2010

Feeding difficulties, while the symptom ...

Signs and symptoms of chromosome 22q11. 2 Deletion

medical problems related to chromosome 22q11. 2 Remove differ from each other. For example, a child with this disease may be heart problems, and another child with the same disorder may be very mild and very severe heart defect. Children with chromosome 22q11. 2 removal often have problems that include many different body systems. Here are some lasix online of the most common:

cardiovascular (heart) defects (which are often the earliest), such as:

Feeding difficulties, although it is a symptom of many other diseases may be a sign of chromosomes 22q11. 2 Remove and:

nasal regurgitation (regurgitation through the nose), which can occur through cleft mouth (one of the possible problems associated with the disorder)

Gastrointesintal problems, including:

problems immune system, such as:

recurrent ear infection, especially if the child is very small

autoimmune diseases such as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, ideopathic thrombocytopenia and vitiligo

problems of growth, sometimes resulting in growth hormone deficiency

developmental delays, such as:

Palatine anomalies, including:

full name: Date:

Relax and repeat the exercise several times a day.

Daily Exercises for osteoporosis treatment is to stop the advance of the disease of bone, but not all exercises can help strengthen bones. The key is to find the types of exercises for the treatment of osteoporosis, which can add as much as thirty percent to the bone. Studies have shown that lack of regular exercise accelerates bone loss while the daily commitment to training can increase lasix furosemide bone strength and protect you from loss of bone mass throughout life. But as events, all exercises are not equal in bone density development. Best exercises for osteoporosis is moderate weight bearing activities that work against gravity and forces you to bear weight on his feet, legs and thighs. However, experts recommend you get a bone densitometry scan before you start weight training, and, as always, be sure to consult your doctor before starting any exercise regime, especially if you have heart disease. Here are all exercises that you can use to build strength and increase bone mass. Resistance training preserves bone thick and strong. These exercises that use your muscles to lift, push or pull the weight. Try using dumbbells or weight machines do isometric exercises where you tighten the muscles, but without movement joints. How to gain strength, you should gradually increase the severity scales of the comfort zone. This type of exercise is great for people who suffer from joint pain. Try these exercises:

1. Keep hands in front of his stomach with his hands together. Press your elbows against the body, push hands, compress and hold for five seconds. Do not hold your breath while this exercise. 2. Sit on the edge of a chair, legs stretched in front of you, five remained on the floor. Point and flex your fingers up. You should feel your calf muscles tighten. Relax and repeat the exercise several times a day. Isotonic exercises will help pump up your muscles and add more strength in the bones. You can do this while sitting in a chair, knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Straighten one leg and lift it above the ground until you feel stretching tight muscles on the front foot. Lower it to the floor and repeat with other leg. Sharp walk a mile in 15 minutes you can save bone mineral density in post menopausal women. Studies have shown that high intensity walking with good posture and deep rhythmic breathing keeps bones. Dancing is also one of the exercises for the treatment of osteoporosis, which can stimulate the process of remodeling and improve blood circulation, leading vitamins and minerals in bones. Total body vibration exercise can increase muscle strength, improve balance and bone formation. Vibration apply positive stress in the bone, to, adding thickness and strength. Power Plate has all the equipment vibration of the body, and although it can be very expensive to buy, you'll find a fitness center that has this equipment. Other exercises for the treatment of osteoporosis include aerobics, tennis and jogging. It's excellent work to support the bones. Do not give up. Try to keep to exercise because when you drop your workout routine, all the progress you have made will disappear. Studies on women who carried out within 12 months of continuous lost bone mass after cessation of only six months. | | | | |

If a person already has a shortage of aat and ...

What is emphysema? Emphysema is a long and continuous progress of the disease affecting the lungs especially of the lower respiratory tract. Physical structure and function of light damaged tissue is very supportive of its collapse, leading to shortness of breath and wheezing. to exhale becomes hard as tissues that surround the alveoli damaged and unable to hold its shape. It breathed poorer condition over time and can be fatal as well. This condition refers to the category of diseases caused by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Empty bag like structures, the alveoli are responsible for the absorption of oxygen in the blood. In normal healthy lungs when inhaled air passes through the upper airways, and in the alveoli and bronchioles. It was found that if the human lung were subjected to stimuli and smoke for a long time, the flexibility of the alveoli and bronchioles significantly lasix drug side effects reduced. This potentially interferes with normal breathing and breathing oxygen through the destruction of the walls of the alveoli. The main cause of emphysema is smoking. Prolonged exposure to irritants that are found in polluted air, chemical emissions and dust, and other causes. Long-term passive smoking and heredity as two of the causes of the disease. Although the chances of it getting through inheritance are rare, but may, if the child is born without a particular protein is to protect the lungs. Protein alpha-1-antitrypsin and its lack of called AAT deficiency-related emphysema. If a person already has a shortage of AAT and is an active smoker, his / her condition may worsen. Disease majorly affects middle-aged or elderly. However, it can affect the young as well. Complications can lead to additional symptoms other than shortness of breath. Weather emphysema is a unique process comprehensive staging of lung function (PFTS). Here the patient is made to blow air through the tube to measure air flow. In connection with emphysema, air trapped inside the lungs, and it will be difficult for him airflow from the lungs by force. Based on production test can be divided into four stages mild (stage 1), moderate (Stage 2), severe (stage 3) and very severe (stage 4). These stages are as GOLD (Global Initiative for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) criteria. To determine the life expectancy of emphysema, spirometry is done. This is actually a measure of the percentage of air exhaled per second. This is known as forced expiratory volume in one second or FEV1. Almost 80% of stage I or mild emphysema patients in

mild emphysema life expectancy more than 4 years. If completely healthy adult, the spirometer reading is between 80 to 100 percent. A person who has emphysema and reading whoBЂ ™ s on the spirometer below 35 percent, the prognosis shown during the last stages of emphysema and IV

emphysema life expectancy or, in other words, end-stage emphysema life expectancy of about four years. Only 50% of people with severe emphysema survive for four years. However, if the 4-stage emphysema and remains unrevealed, the life expectancy is reduced to 2 to 3 years. At the final stage suffer from extreme shortness of breath, lack of activity tolerance, along with consistent coughing with sputum. II stage called mild emphysema, in which FEV1 below 80 percent, but at least more or equivalent to 50 percent of normal. Approximately 60-70% of people with stage II is

moderate emphysema life expectancy more than four years. The meaning BЂњbullaBЂ "is an abnormal growth of skin, which is filled with fluid. In bullous emphysema, alveolar size increases due to the irregular space is air. Air bags get expanded thus limiting the amount of oxygen in the blood. These enlarged and stretched alveoli gets break in time and immediate surgery is required. >> << Bullous emphysema life expectancy increases to after the operation. Reference: See also: 12. September 2010.

It is believed that over 70% of the population

Osteoporosis can occur without any symptoms. You can not understand that your bones become brittle, until you get a fracture. Even ordinary X-rays can not detect osteoporosis until you have lost more than 20% of bone density. There are, however, some signs of the end of osteoporosis. Collapsed bones in the back (spine), for example, can cause severe back pain, height loss, or stoop (kyphosis). If you have lost more than 1 million inches tall with a 35, you are prone to increased risk of osteoporosis. Figure 03. Women are more at risk of osteoporosis than men. One of two women and one in eight people break a bone due to osteoporosis after 50 years. Women have a higher risk of osteoporosis because they have bones that are smaller and lower density than in men. In addition, women tend to participate in fewer supporting activities and tend to lose more bone mass than men. Women who have irregular menstrual cycles or no menstrual periods (amenorrhea) and women who have gone through menopause have a higher risk of developing osteoporosis. During the years before and after menopause, women can lose about 20% of their bone mass. Low estrogen promotes bone fragility. Estrogen helps prevent the destruction of bone, but not build bone. So if you have low estrogen levels may cause bone loss, which will not be replaced, even if estrogen levels return to normal. Estrogen-bone loss usually tends to occur early in the spine, hip and wrist with bone loss later. Some athletes stop their periods (amenorrhea), because the physical changes the voltage level of sex hormones. These women are at risk of osteoporosis because of their lack of estrogen leads to bone loss. They may experience stress fractures, which are very difficult to treat. This risk is reduced if they make less or take calcium supplements. Osteoporosis is not just a disease is very old. Some women may lose half of their bone mass at age 65 because of premature low estrogen. Young women with eating disorders (eg anorexia nervosa) are at risk for the dramatic bone loss and fracture strain. If you are near or have reached menopause, you are at increased risk of osteoporosis. While around menopause, some women lose bone as they begin to skip periods and other symptoms of menopause. Some may have up to 50% loss of bone mass for five to seven years before you stop your period and menopause begins true. Women who reached menopause in particular the risk of osteoporosis, their estrogen levels decline further. If you are a woman who has been removed uterus (hysterectomy), you have a greater risk of developing osteoporosis. Total hysterectomy at any age, leads to rapid loss of bone tissue. Even when both the ovary remaining after partial hysterectomy, usually a significant decrease in estrogen after removal of the uterus, resulting in menopause and increased bone loss in about five to eight years. Osteoporosis of hormones as a loss for men. Men who have low testosterone levels have a much higher risk of osteoporosis than other men. Osteoporosis associated with low testosterone has a similar picture of osteoporosis in women and can lead to significant bone loss in the spine and hip. Low testosterone levels can occur in men aged, decreased sexual function and hair loss are the most common symptoms. All men over 60 years experience decreased testosterone levels. Men treated for prostate cancer are at particularly high risk of developing osteoporosis. Among men who have osteoporosis, 20% have type known as "idiopathic" type who has no reason. Idiopathic osteoporosis can occur at any age. As a result, men with major fractures or cracks with very little injury, or who have curvature of the upper spine (kyphosis) or unexplained loss of height should be tested for osteoporosis. Inadequate intake of vitamin D increases the risk of osteoporosis and reduces the response to any plan of treatment of osteoporosis. Adequate levels of vitamin D is necessary in order to absorb calcium and build bone. It is believed that over 70% of the population in the northern United States, vitamin D-deficient. It is significant bone loss is directly related to insufficient vitamin D and sun exposure. This is true for all age groups, but more severe in the elderly.

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In addition, after 50 years, there is a gradual decrease of absorption, metabolism, and efficacy of vitamin D in men and women. After 50 years it is almost impossible to get enough vitamin D from solar effects alone. Vitamin D is not easily accessible in the diet, so supplements are usually required. Inadequate calcium intake increases the risk of osteoporosis and reduce your answer to any plan of treatment of osteoporosis. Calcium is necessary for building and maintaining bone density at any age. Once around the age of 50, your ability to absorb calcium decreases, which is often worse if you do not get enough vitamin D. As a result, you should increase calcium intake after 50 years. However, you should take your calcium in several smaller doses to optimize absorption. With a small bone frame or be high increases the risk of osteoporosis. There is a link between the increase in height in combination with low body weight and osteoporosis in men and women. In women, body weight less than 128 pounds has been shown to significantly increase the risk of osteoporosis. Low body mass index (BMI) in men and women dramatically increases the risk of osteoporosis and fractures, and increases the risk of falling. In addition, small bone women are at increased risk of fracture independently of bone density due to a decrease in bone mass. The presence or parent or brother who had osteoporosis most common side effects of lasix, spine and hip fracture or other fragility fracture increases the risk of osteoporosis. Smoking, drinking alcohol in excess, or lead a sedentary lifestyle puts you at risk of osteoporosis. These modifiable risk factors are often the main contribution to early osteoporosis in men and women. In women, tobacco use causes menopause three years earlier than would happen in non-smoking women. In both men and women, tobacco interferes with the normal metabolism of bone tissue. Alcohol abuse is a major cause of osteoporosis (especially in men) because it leads to bone metabolism and is associated with malnutrition. In addition, alcohol abuse leads to the increased risk of falls and injuries that are dangerous to people with weak bones. Some ethnic groups are at greater risk than others. Although the risk is higher among Caucasian and Asian women, African-Americans and Spanish-Americans are often at risk of osteoporosis. Among African-American women, for example, 10% aged over 50 have osteoporosis and another 30% have low bone density. Table 1. PPRisk Factors Osteoporosis

Some medications increase the risk of osteoporosis by reducing calcium absorption and vitamin D metabolism, and / or a direct effect on bone formation and destruction. Table 2. PPDrugs, which increases the risk of osteoporosis for >> << Some diseases increase the risk of osteoporosis, affecting the metabolism of bone tissue. Table 3. PPDiseases associated with decreased bone density >> << There are several factors that have been shown to lead to increased bone mass. Table 4. PPFactors, which increase bone mass


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